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Three Steps to Success

  • Respond to failure with thoughtful change.
  • Work hard.
  • Refuse to give up.
  • Respond to failure with thoughtful change.
    Failure defines and describes what is past, but it does not have to define the future.  Accept the pain & hurt that may come from failure, then look at it as information that can direct thoughtful change.  Students who are at McClellan because of a lack of credits need to ask some important questions:  What did I do that contributed to failing classes?  What could I have done to avoid the failure?  What can I change?  How do I need to change that?  To refuse to admit or see your part in a failure is to think of yourself as a victim, helpless to do anything to improve the situation.  Once you start to look at what you can change to affect outcomes, you become powerful and in control of your circumstances, and you move toward success.
  • Work hard.
    When you have figured out what to change and how, work as hard as you can.  The idea that success comes from just luck or talent is a myth; talent alone cannot make up for a lack of work.  Your job is simply to do your absolute best.  Push yourself to the point where it is uncomfortable.  You never know your own limits until you push yourself to them.  If you have not done that, you cannot complain that you cannot succeed.  If you fail after working as hard as possible, go back to Step 1.
  • Refuse to give up.
  • Working hard for a few days or a week or a month will not be enough.  Set your mind to work hard until you succeed.  You may not see immediate gains; you may not see gains for some time.  That does not mean you are failing.  It may just mean that success is farther off.  You will probably need to work hard past the point where it is new or fun.  This means working hard even when you do not want to.  Approach it with that attitude:  “This will not always be fun, but I will not quit.”  Also keep in mind that quitting is often not a healthy alternative.  When you run into big problems or fail miserably, quitting will not change things.  Rather than live as a victim, refuse to give up.  Live as an achiever.